PVC Tile Trim

When doing tile bonding projects, we often encounter troubles at turning points. When the angles of two tiles form a 90-degree turning point, a missing corner is prone to appear, which will affect the overall appearance. In order to solve this problem, general plastic trimming strips came into being.

The role of plastic trim strips is very diverse. First, it fills the gaps in the corners of the tiles, making the corners more beautiful and tidy. In this way, even if the tiles form a 90-degree turn, a flawless appearance can be obtained, which improves the overall decoration quality.

Secondly, the design of the plastic trim strip takes into account the actual needs of the project, and the length and structure can be flexibly adjusted. This makes it possible to conveniently use the corresponding corner of the trimming strip to achieve the desired function and effect when problems such as turning and continuation are encountered in the tile bonding project. This not only improves the edge finishing efficiency of the project, but also brings more flexibility and convenience to the decoration.

PVC Tile Trim