Control Joint

floor expansion joints
Leveling cement is a commonly used building material in floor laying, leveling and repairing projects. However, the expansion joint setting of the floor must be considered during construction to avoid cracks and damage caused by thermal expansion. Now, with the new product of floor expansion joint strips, we can complete the setting of floor expansion joints at one time, thereby improving construction efficiency, reducing work costs, and ensuring the beauty and durability of the floor.

Floor expansion joints are a revolutionary product. It can complete the expansion joint setting of the floor at one time during the leveling cement construction, eliminating the trouble of multiple installations of traditional seams. This not only saves time, but also reduces labor costs for workers. At the same time, the design of the floor expansion joints is exquisite, which can perfectly adapt to the thermal expansion and contraction of the floor, effectively preventing the crack and damage of the floor.

In addition to improving construction efficiency and saving costs, floor expansion joint strips also ensure the aesthetics and durability of the floor. The ground expansion joint strips are made of high-quality materials, and undergo strict quality control to ensure that they are stable and durable, and are not prone to aging and damage after long-term use. It is also designed with the overall aesthetic of the floor in mind, without spoiling the look of the floor.

Control Joint